jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Eleven children injured in Blyth park dog attack

Yesterday, on a part at 18:30, eleven children were attacked by a dog, Three of the eleven children had to stay in the hospital because they have serious wounds. The rest of the children are injured and they expect that a little girls need a skin graft.  Dog wounds
The police still doesn't know why the dog attacked the children, but they arrested a 37 years old man because it was his dog who went out of control.
Now some children of the park are traumatized and they fear dogs.
The one who saved the kids was a father of the boys. He tied the dog on a fence until the police came to solve the problem.
The owner of the dog was an irresponsible and he caused a lot of damage as well as physicological and physical. I think that when he will go to the courtroom, the judge punish him to life imprisonment, because having a dog and don't take care of him, is unacceptable.

This Tiny Earpiece Can Let You Understand Another Language In Real-Time

Waverly Labs, a small company, had developed a small device that you have to put in your ear and this device can translate all the conversations that you are hearing. The company had talked to Apple and Google to make an app, so the device can work offline. But Waverly Labs isn't sharing information, and there is only a small demo to show the world that the device is working.
It's a good idea so all the people on the world can talk each other. And the fact that the device has to be sold in pairs, so all the people can talk, is brilliant. That would be useful for the people who love travel to countries that they talk another languages or for job or univeristy. You could go to a meeting and they can undersand you. But the schools and the teacher who teach languages can be unemployed.
In conclusion, this device will help a lot in our lifes.

Are all the people equal?

Maybe I am repeating myself, but this is a topic that is very important for me. The topic is the racism and the bullying. When I am going to class every day, in the hall I see some kids punching and yelling someone that seems weaker than them, and I think that these people are stupid. But not only in the highschool it happens.
Sometimes, when I go out with some of my friends, we go to the supermarket, we see a shop assistant pretending that some people doesn't exist even if they shout. The reason can be that these people are from another country, because if it's not, I don't think what's in the mind of that shop assistant.
I think that is not fair for the affected people. They have the same right to go shopping like the others, it's writed on the Declaration of the Human Rights.

New Lung Cancer Breathalyzer Provides Greater Chance Of Successfully Curing Disease


Scientists from U.K had developed a breathalyzer that can help detecting lung cancer. The breathlyzer measures some organic compound in the breath that the patient exhales in order to detect this cancer. First this was initially designed to detect exoplosives and toxic gases.
The lung cancer cause 1.5 million deads every year and the cause can be the late diagonistication, for example 5 years late.
But now, with this new technology, the doctors can diagonistcate the lung cancer to the people that have it and they can be saved from death.

It's a good news knowing that some people are developing new technology and studiying new methods for helping the people. The hospitals that are trying this breathlyzer sure they are helping a lot, and the objective maybe is reduce the deads caused by this cancer, but I think that only the people who have money can go the hospital and the ones who doesn't have a lot maybe will die.
If this can save lifes, this should for all the people in the planet.

My TDR...

The past Monday I brought my research project finished to the high school. The previous day I sent an e-mail to my tutor of the resarch project and she didn't answer me, and she didn't saw anything. 
Yesterday I went to the library to talk with her about my oral presentation that I have to do the next Monday. She told me that I should forget about doing it because my research project was a shame. 

Maybe she is right, but telling me to don't do it I think it isn't very nice coming from her, considering that she is my tutor. Then the headmistress talked to me. She said that nothing was decided and it's the tribunal who gives the mark, not only her. And also she told me to do the oral presentation even if someone told me to don't do it. 

How all started

I think that my game obsession started when I was five or six years old. It all started with the Game Boy Advance and one the The Legend Of Zelda game. The game was TLOZ: A Link to the Past.

The plot of the game is simple: a mage named Agahnim is kidnapping all the descendents of the seven sages, and a hero called Link, a boy who comes from a noble lineage, has to help the kingdom of Hyrule of that mage.
The Link of this game.

The gameplay is not very difficult. You have a menu where you can select your gadges that you find in the dungeons, and some passives items that can help you, for example the Pegasus Boots or the Power Glove. There's also some puzzles in the game but they are very simple. The only way you can die in this game is against the final boss or against some annoying enemy.
The graphics are not spectacular because the game was first released for the Super Nintendo System and then for the Game Boy.

After finishing the game, I didn't think of it like a normal game, I thought that there is a great story after every game and I realized that a good game doesn't need a good graphics, it has to have a great story and good mechanics.

I'm addicted to...

Last week I turned on the computer and I saw something. It was a game called League of Legends, or LoL, and I started playing again, and I realized that I was addicted to the game again after leaving it some months.

To explain why I'm addicted again, I think that I have to explain briefly the game. In the game there are two teams of 5 players each one. The goal of the game is go the enemy base and destroy the nexus. In the game there is a jungle where some enemys spawn. In the lanes the players fight each other while they are killing the minions that the nexus is spawning.

And now, why I'm addicted to this game again? I don't know why I'm still playing it, maybe because I don't have anything better to do or maybe because I'm stupid.
The comunity of this game is worse than anything. When you play and you fail one time, they blame you and they insult you, but if they fail and you say like "Next time you will do it better", they will be angry and some times they will leave the game (AFK).

Dispatches: Will France’s State of Emergency Ever End?


France is in the State of Emergency because some months ago, there were a terrorist attack, and the government decided to put this state on the country. While the country is in State of Emergency, the army can search in people's house without judicial warrants, and also they can impose control orders, in order to stop or difficult the movement of the people. All this affects mostly to the muslim people that live in France.

In 2016 Human Rights Watch, had known that the army enter in the houses with violence in the houses of these people, and sometimes they can traumatize the children that live there or break all the furniture that they have.

If we think, this is very stupid. I know that the government can be scared for more attacks, but not all the muslims are terrorist, or are they? The government of France should take out this State of Emergency because it's useless. It only brings problems and disgrace to all the families that are affected by this.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Final Reflection

My first post in batxillerat was this one and the last one is this.
When I see my first composition, I think that my english level was very bad. Now that we know more vocabulary than then, I see that I improved a lot, because now I can use the modals for example.

For the oral presenation, the first one was the presentation about the rusefeering (unfortunately I haven't done the self evaluation) and the last was about the oral presentation of my research project.
I remember my first oral presentation, and it was a disaster. I didn't talked the five minutes, I looked the paper all the time and I was nervous.
But now, with this last oral presentation, I see that I have improved. For example, I was nervous at one moment, that I have been like paralyzed and I couldn't say anything. My pronuntation I think that's the same as in first batxillerat and finally, I respected the time, I think that I talked like six minutes.

My best composition is the Human Rights e-mail to the president of the United States of Ameria.
I think that is the best because there are more technicalities than the other composition. And also because the mark of these one is the best mark in my compositions. Also I think that is better because the topic of the human rights is an important topic in our lifes, and maybe that's why I writed this.

My best oral presentation is the last one, the presentation about my research project. Why I choosed this? Well, I think that's the best oral evidence because the mark was great that the other oral evidence, and if we compare the vocabulary and the grammar that I have used, I think that is good enough.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Human Rights e-mail

Dear Mr President of the United States of America,

We are writing to complain about the violation of the article 16 in our country.

Basically, the epicenter of the problem is that the average of American population do not respect homosexual couples and marriages yer in the 21st century. We think that we live in a retrograde society that think that homosexuality is an ilness or something weird or strange or incorrect. In the majority of our states homosexual marriage is illegal.

Firstly, I would like to point out that the illegality of homosexual marriages is unnacceptable, based on the first article of human rights the human are born free and equal, so why two persons of the same sex that are free and equal could not marry.

Secondly, it will be good if our country takes more policies that help population to be aware of the true equality and respect.

In conclusion, we think that the change should begun from the upper social spheres from this country, we very much hope that you will look into this matter to change history.

We look forward to your reply

Yours sincerely,

Ali and Luis

Ali Mazghari
C/ Sant Maurici 307
Empuriabrava, 17487
Mobile: 666777888
E-mail: ali.mazghari@broadmail.org