jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Eleven children injured in Blyth park dog attack

Yesterday, on a part at 18:30, eleven children were attacked by a dog, Three of the eleven children had to stay in the hospital because they have serious wounds. The rest of the children are injured and they expect that a little girls need a skin graft.  Dog wounds
The police still doesn't know why the dog attacked the children, but they arrested a 37 years old man because it was his dog who went out of control.
Now some children of the park are traumatized and they fear dogs.
The one who saved the kids was a father of the boys. He tied the dog on a fence until the police came to solve the problem.
The owner of the dog was an irresponsible and he caused a lot of damage as well as physicological and physical. I think that when he will go to the courtroom, the judge punish him to life imprisonment, because having a dog and don't take care of him, is unacceptable.

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