jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Women Pretend To Be Men Online To Avoid 'Death, Bomb And Violence Threats

On the internet, the women pretend to be men because they recive misogynistc attacks. A survey aimed that one from five women were intimdated by threats of violence, and that's why they have to hide their gender. It seems that these abuses are normal on the internet.
Some of the people of the survey had suffered panic attacks because they recive a continuous abuse from the men while they are playing online or chatting.
For example, Quinn, received a countless rape threats and she was forced to leave his home.

This cyber-abuse from the men to the women should be a crime. The people who do this, thinks that they are superior and they have power to do whathever they want. A lot of web pages or online games have some restrictions on the chat, and it can prevent things like abuses or violence, and the women who play or chat can be safe from this attacks.

The link of the news

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