lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Looking Back is the key to Moving Forward

I think that I have improved my english. For example my first post in my blog was in 4th ESO and it was titled My mother. I described my mother but with very simple words. It was a short description because I was in the low group. And now I think I can write longer posts.
I'm not good in writing. I understand the texts and readings, but I don't know how to explain all the ideas, but I understand the listenings. And finally I think that my pronunciation isn't bad enough.

The activities that helped me to improve my English skills were the your says, watching films and the listenings. Because there were some words I don't know how to say it but with the movies I knew how to pronunce it. And with the your says I could put the things I learnt in 1st Batxillerat. Also with the oral presentations we use some technical words and use them in our posts.
I didn't found anything useless because we can learn a lot of things with all the activities we do in class, the homework and the oral presentation.

In second batxillerat we should do the your says to impove more our skills, vocabulary dossier to learn more vocabulary and we should read more books.

In my opinion, the next year we can pick a topic we are interested.

Have we made the world a better place?

A lot of people think that the world is a better place now than the past. They think this becasue they only think for themselves and don't care about the others. In my opinion I think the world isn't a better place now.

First of all one of the issue is the society. The society now I think is it the same as the past. Why?
Because a lot of men mistreat the women because they think that they are more powerful and more important than them.
Adding to that, the racism and the bullying are big problems in our society. They are connected because someone who bullies does this because the bullied one, is from another country. This can happen everywhere and very few people do something. The bullying and racism can give the suicide of the bullied people.

The second issue in this world are the wars. This currently happens more in the islamic countries, like Syria or Egypt. A few people don't care about the wars, but this is because they aren't in these countries fighting for their liberty.
Everyday a lot of people die and we can't do anything for them.
The people only do posts on Facebook saying this: "1 Like 1 help" or "Like to save this poor people". But this doesn't help anyone.

The third issue is the planet. This planet has limited resources and we are using a lot of them, and in the future we won't gave anything. For example the deforestation of the Amazon. It was a big forest and it was beautiful but now it's a desert. They chop the trees only for money, but the money doesn't buy the happiness.

And finally the pollution. We are producing a lot of CO2 and this can give a place to the acid rain. One of the most CO2 contributor are the factories, bringing out all the smoke. A lot of people don't know that we gave only one planet.

In conclusion I think the world isn't a better place. Maybe some years ago it used to be, but now it's like we are going back in time with the society issues, the wars that give a lot of dead and the issues with our planet and we  have to share this planet with everybody.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Matt Smith

Matt Smith is british actor and he has acted in cinema and television. He is very famous because the acted in the series  Doctor Who as the eleventh Doctor. He did very well the role of the Doctor and he acted excellent. He is a good and funny person.
Karen Gillan and him are good actors when they are together.
He has acted in some movies: In Bruges as Young Harry Waters, Together as  Rob, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies as  Mr.Collins, etc.
And in TV: Doctor Who as the eleventh Doctor, The Ruby in the smoke as Jim Taylor, etc.
He has winned 4 awards and nomination and he also has 4 video games.
I hope he continues acting because he always brings a smile in the faces who watches him.
Matt Smith Cannes 2014.jpg

Steins;Gate the Movie: Burdened Domain of Déjà vu

The movie is the sequel of the series called Steins; Gate, the plot is centred in the love of the two characters, Makise Kurisu and Okabe Rintarou. The movie takes place one year after the series, where the main character, Okabe Rintarou, has travelled through the time to help his friends.
Now they live in peace, but some day he has a problem and he watches what is happening in the other timelines. Finally he disappears from the world and only one of his friends remembers him. Makise Kurisu has to find the solution and bring back his love.
The music was beautiful and the scenario was done to perfection. Also the animation can be one of the best animations.
I recommend this movie, if you like the animation movies, but if you didn't see the series you won't understand a lot of things.
Star rating: ***

Help the people

When I have free time I spend some time in Facebook and Twitter. Everything is normal but there are some posts that I'm not fond of. The reason is the next.
Someone publishes and image and the description of the image says: "Like and share if you want to help these people". They put a poor people image and some nice words, but this is useless.

They don't do anything, they only lie. I think they do this because they want popularity in the social medias. I think when they go out to the street, and they see someone poor begging, they don't give them anything. If they really want to help, they should go to a NGO and help.

UK watchdog to investigate children's online games

Link of the news

The UK's Competition and Markets Authority has asked the Advertising Standards Authority to investigate three online games aimed at children.
The CMA said that the online games affect the kids and this will make them to buy things inside the game. There were cases where the children had spend a minimum a thousand pounds. 
The CMA has given some advices to the parents. The parents have to check their bills, know what kind of game are playing their childrens and finally, check the device settings.

They have to put a parental control or before the kids start playing the game, they should know if it has the option of buying something in the game. 

Apple to refund $32.5m to parents whose kids made in-app purchases


Some kids had bought some objects in game, and the parents weren't aware of this event. The kids download some apps and game to play, the apps are free and not free at the same time. This apps are called apps freemium, because there are some upgrades inside the game.
Apple saw that and they will refund $32.5m to all the affected people. They will send emails to all the parents because they cannot charge consumers for purchases they did not authorize.

Apple hasn't got any responsability, becuase it was the parents fault. They have bought iPad's and smartphones to the kids. They had purchased things because the credit card was linked to the smartphone.
The parents could put some password or parental control.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

The people's problem

In our society a lot of people insults someone because they are afraid of the strongest one. The people who are stronger than the others, can use they force to intimidate and they can also give orders to the weakest ones. The "weakest" people aren't fond on flaming and insulting the people, but they are obliged to do it, and if they don't do it, the person who is in power will kick or hit them.
It's the same as bullying in schools but, right now, every day, someone is getting bullied.

I think that the bully has to put in the other people places and they have to know what the bullied people feels and what they suffered all the time when they were insulted by them.
What the people has to do is go to help the bullied people and go to the police and talk about the bully and what they do.
I think that's the only solution to this problem, because if we don't say anything, who will do it?

The dream of many people

Sometime in your life you thought you wanted to be rich. Why do the people think this?

They think if they were rich, they will have a lot of things, like a Ferrari or a similar car, a maid, a pool and a lot of money. They only know this face of this life. The other face is the next: The rich and famous people can't go outside because there will be a lot of photographers and they will take pictures of their private life. If they meet a girl the paparazzi will make up a new rumour about them.
They haven't got any time for themself because they are busy with the work or going to TV shows. They also have to go to places to help the poor people. If a rich one don't give money to help someone who needs help, his fans will flame and insult him.
On conclusion I think that this life is better, because we have got time for ourselfs and we know what is happines and friendship is. A lot of them can not know what is this feeling because maybe they forget this feelings or they don't know what is it.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2015

Hatred and GTA V

A few days ago, a new game has been released and it's called Hatred. In this game you have to kill al the people in the city, because the character hates everyone and everything. Maybe the people thinks that is a bit violent, but the player only destroys pixels, only pixels.

The game has a good music and the graphics are beautiful. Where is the problem with this game?

The problem is this: The gaming platform Steam has retired this game from his list for a while because it was very violent, but they put it again, and Gabe Newell gave them some money to apologise for the problem. Then Twitch banned the game for the same reason. They banned the game because is rated Mature only and this level is like the level of porn. Why the people can not stream this game, but they can stream the new Grand Theft Auto V? GTA is worst than hatred, because it's more realistic than this game.