lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Have we made the world a better place?

A lot of people think that the world is a better place now than the past. They think this becasue they only think for themselves and don't care about the others. In my opinion I think the world isn't a better place now.

First of all one of the issue is the society. The society now I think is it the same as the past. Why?
Because a lot of men mistreat the women because they think that they are more powerful and more important than them.
Adding to that, the racism and the bullying are big problems in our society. They are connected because someone who bullies does this because the bullied one, is from another country. This can happen everywhere and very few people do something. The bullying and racism can give the suicide of the bullied people.

The second issue in this world are the wars. This currently happens more in the islamic countries, like Syria or Egypt. A few people don't care about the wars, but this is because they aren't in these countries fighting for their liberty.
Everyday a lot of people die and we can't do anything for them.
The people only do posts on Facebook saying this: "1 Like 1 help" or "Like to save this poor people". But this doesn't help anyone.

The third issue is the planet. This planet has limited resources and we are using a lot of them, and in the future we won't gave anything. For example the deforestation of the Amazon. It was a big forest and it was beautiful but now it's a desert. They chop the trees only for money, but the money doesn't buy the happiness.

And finally the pollution. We are producing a lot of CO2 and this can give a place to the acid rain. One of the most CO2 contributor are the factories, bringing out all the smoke. A lot of people don't know that we gave only one planet.

In conclusion I think the world isn't a better place. Maybe some years ago it used to be, but now it's like we are going back in time with the society issues, the wars that give a lot of dead and the issues with our planet and we  have to share this planet with everybody.

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