sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016


The last Tuesday we talked about love and why do we love. We saw a video where some philosphers explain why do we love and why we search love.
In the video are some explanation like this: Once upon a time, we were humans with two heads, four arms and four legs, and one day the gods were angered and they separated the humain beings in two and that's why the people search their soul mate because they feel incomplete.

I'm not agree with this and I think that the people can live alone perfectly. A lot of people say that is impossible and you need someone, because the humanity like to be loved.

When I say alone it means without loving anyone, but you can have friends. For example me. I don't like anyone and I tolerate the people that are with me, because I don't trust anybody. I think that the people nowadays are absolutely false, and they always have a fake smile on their faces, and for me is sick. Maybe one day they are you friend but maybe the next day they will insult you or leave you behind and alone.

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