domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016


Some days ago I went to the cinema to watch the movie of Deadpool, and I really enjoyed the movie. It was a humor movie because the plot wasn't good enough. I think that they took the humor of the comics and they put it on the cinema. The plot was very simple.

Wade Wilson is a type of mercenary who accepts works and he does it for the money. He mets a women called Vanessa, which is a prostitue. On the comics, she is a mutant, but on the movie she is human. Their relationship goes well but suddenly the doctors diagnose him cancer.
After some time a man would like to recruit him and finally after a lot of experiments and suffering, he becomes an ugly person and he gains a regenerative power, which is better than the regenerative power of Wolverine. Francis a.k.a Ajax, the scientis who did the experiments to Deadpool, thinks that he is died but after knowing that this isn't true he kidnaps Vanessa and Deadpool with the help of two of the X-Men saves her.

As I said the plot was very simple, but they put a lot of references to some movies and some superheroes like Wolverine and Spidey. Another think is that they should explain more the Deadpool character, for example that he is schizophrenic because his neuron are regenerating, or that he is crazy and he never shuts his mouth or that he breaks the fourth wall talking with the audience.

If you want to laugh a lot, you should go to see the movie

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