viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

A Doctor Has Tested Positive For Ebola In NYC

News link
A doctor who was in Guinea, has taken the Ebola virus. The doctor is Craig Spencer,33, and he is employed at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He was in isolation in Manhattan, but when they have watched the symptoms, they moved the doctor to Texas. The nurse who treated Duncan tested positive for the virus October 11.
Breaking: A Doctor Has Tested Positive For Ebola In NYC

I think they need to put the doctor in isolation at the first day he returned from Guinea. And the girlfriend if she hasn't had sex or she hasn't touched he sweat of the doctor's body, she doesn't need to stay in quarantine.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Spirited Away


This is a story of Chihiro, a girl who, while moving to a new neighborhood, enters the spirit world. After her parents are transformed into pigs by the witch Yubaba, Chihiro takes a job working in Yubaba's bathhouse to find a way to free herself and her parents and return to the human world.

For me this is a good film to watch.

In the bathhouse only Gods can assist in the night, and the people are ghosts. Chihiro mets new friends like Haku, Kamaji, No Face and others. And she needs to change his name to Sen, but she needs to remember her old name. Haku seems to know Chihiro for a time ago but she doesn't remember. Now she needs to work and go to release the curse in her parents.

What I liked from the film it was the scenario, because it was like the ancient houses in Japan and some houses are like temples. I liked the music too because it's very beautiful and some of the original soundtrack are relaxing themes. And I liked the movie because it's from the Studio Ghibli. There aren't anything what I don't like.

When I was little I watched this film and I liked it, and two weeks ago I watched it again and I enjoyed it. The truth is that it is highly recommended to see this film and the other films from Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki.

I give to this film ****

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Rebel song - Rebel love song

Rebel love song - Black Veil Brides

Lyrics                                                                                               Translation

I cannot hide what's on my mind-- No puc amagar ho que hi ha a la meva ment

I feel it burning deep inside-- El sento cremant dintre meu
A passion crime to take what's mine-- Un crim de passió per prendre ho que és meu
Let us start living for today-- Deixa'ns començar a viure per avui

Never gonna' change my mind-- Mai canviar canviar la meva opinió
We can leave it all behind-- Podem deixar tot enredera
Nothin's gonna' stop us-- Res ens podra parar
No not this time-- No, no aquesta vegada

So take your hand in mine-- Així que agafa la meva mà
It's ours tonight-- Es la nostra nit
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

Hearts will sacrifice-- Els cors es sacrificaran
It's do or die-- Es fer o morir
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

My outlaw eyes have seen their lies-- Els meus ulls al marge de la llei han vist les seves mentides
I choke on all they had to say-- M'ofego amb tot el que havia de dir
When worlds collide what's left inside-- Quan els mons col·lisionen el que queda a l'interior
I hold on tight and hear you pray-- M'aferro amb força i t'escola orar
Never gonna' change my mind-- Mai canviar canviar la meva opinió
We can leave it all behind-- Podem deixar tot enredera
Nothin's gonna' stop us-- Res ens podra parar
No not this time-- No, no aquesta vegada

So take your hand in mine-- Així que agafa la meva mà
It's ours tonight-- Es la nostra nit
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

Hearts will sacrifice-- Els cors es sacrificaran
It's do or die-- Es fer o morir
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

Wild and running for one reason-- Salvatge i corrent per una raó
They can't stop us from our freedom-- Ells no ens poden aturar per la nostra llibertat
(Wild and running for one reason-- (Salvatge i corrent per una raó
They can't stop us from our freedom)-- Ells no ens poden aturar per la nostra llibertat)
Never gonna' change my mind-- Mai canviar canviar la meva opinió

We can leave it all behind-- Podem deixar tot enredera
Nothin's gonna' stop us-- Res ens podra parar
No not this time-- No, no aquesta vegada

So take your hand in mine-- Així que agafa la meva mà
It's ours tonight-- Es la nostra nit
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

Hearts will sacrifice-- Els cors es sacrificaran
It's do or die-- Es fer o morir
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

So take your hand in mine-- Així que agafa la meva mà
It's ours tonight-- Es la nostra nit
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

Hearts will sacrifice-- Els cors es sacrificaran
It's do or die-- Es fer o morir
This is a rebel love song-- Aixó es una cançó d'amor rebel

This song talks about a teenager romance. Two people want to live together but some people don't allow it.

Video games do not create killers

A lot of people says that video games create killers or turn the boys into a  phsyco. But I think this is not true, because a lot of people play violence games to remove the stress of the body. For exemple, a ten years old boy can play the typical shooter game (CoD) or a zombie game (Resident Evil) because he have suspended an exam. The games don't create killlers, they only transform the boys to rat kids (rat kid is a boy who likes to insult other people because he is very bad playing video games).

A lot of people says if a doctor game doesn't make you a doctor, a gore game doesn't make you a killer.